Private Tuition.

Whilst we do actively encourage practice with family and Friends we also know the importance of a structured learning method. Practice should always fit in with what your driving instructor is trying to teach you as trying to take in too much can lead to taking in nothing at all.
As you progress each week with your instructor, if you do manage to fit in practice in between lessons, then they should always be centred around your most recent lessons. The areas you practice should be areas identified from your last lesson so as to make it beneficial.
It’s all too easy for your family or friends to simply get you behind the wheel & expect you to just drive as though it is a natural thing to do but how beneficial is that really to you if you were struggling reversing round a corner during your last lesson. All this means is that instead of mastering what you found difficult & subsequently being in a position where you can possibly move on to the next stage of the syllabus.
Instead you need to spend more time in practising some more in the next lesson. This clearly can lead to you spending more money on lessons. If you get your family & friends on board to work with you & to know & understand what you need to learn you will be in a far more favourable position.
If family & friends are not in sync with where you need to be in terms of your practice then your practice sessions become pretty pointless. Situations such as locations & experience can come in to play if they don’t understand your driving needs & capabilities. Imagine being thrust on to a busy road when you can barely handle the controls of a car. This happens & the throwing someone in at the deep end mentality is not the right attitude to take when it comes to learning to drive.
A clear example is if you are only just learning to drive in quiet neighbourhoods with little traffic going on then that is the surrounding areas you should be practising in with your friends & family not somewhere that is built up. This kind of thing is likely to be distracting & very much off putting for you which in turn can have a lasting effect on your confidence.
In short, make sure your practice sessions are relevant to your driving instructor’s training & keep in sync with the kind of surroundings you are used to in your driving lessons. If need be, show your report card to your friends & family & make sure they know what you should be focusing on from your recent lessons.
Family & friends are a useful addition when it comes to learning to drive provided they are used in the right way. Used incorrectly & it could make things a lot worse not to mention a lot more costly.
Driving Lessons available in the following locations: Baildon – Otley – Shipley – Eccleshill – Guiseley