Be Sure To Research Reviews First.

Asking how you choose the right Driving School or Instructor is like asking how many lessons are you going to need. There is no definitive answer because everyone’s needs are entirely different.
Some people might be concerned with the price of the lessons & not really worry about anything else. Others might be concerned with reliability or first time pass rate or simply the general experience of the instructor.
You might be female therefore feel more at ease with another female instructing you. There are any number of preferences you might have which might rule out certain instructors or maybe ensure that the right one stands out for you.
If you’re not too bothered about your own needs and you don’t have personal preferences such as those just mentioned then maybe you would like to know what other people think of the services provided by a particular school or instructor. These days, that’s easy.
Visit the school or instructor’s website & you will more than likely find a Review Section. Retail giants, Amazon were the first to introduce reviews as they invited customers to leave a short comment on the product page following a recent purchase. Now it seems most people want this feature on their website & it’s easy to see why.
This is the modern day version of word of mouth which has proven so popular over the years & for many the most preferred way of discovering something about a product, service, place or whatever they are looking for. Always be aware though that comments left may not always be authentic.
Use of the review system is favourable when used in conjunction with other methods, some of which we have discussed above already. Another really good opportunity to get feedback is through Social Media. When Facebook began it’s rise in popularity in 2007, few would have predicted it’s growth to what it has become today.
The opportunities for companies to develop and grow their business through Social Media is huge & we have only touched on the Facebook platform. If you then look across to the likes of Google Plus, Twitter, Instagram to name just a few of the major Social Media players. You can now start to see where I am coming from with this.
If you’re friends or you’re connected to someone you know on one of these Social Media platforms & they happen to mention they have just passed their driving test for instance. Then you can strike up a conversation with them & maybe ask them who they booked their lessons with. Again, a further example as to how word of mouth has now expanded.
I’m aware of some people that don’t even consider looking for something themselves, they simply visit their Social Media profiles & ask their friends. That is how it is with some people, they prefer to hear where others, they know & trust, have been before & what their personal impressions are.
Driving Lessons available in the following locations: Baildon – Otley – Shipley – Eccleshill – Guiseley
Read our article on applying for your first provisional driving licence.